Purwanto, Antonius
Dominasi dan Resistensi dalam Arena lndustri Keramik.
pp. 222-233.
ISSN 1907-316X
Development of ceramic industrial cluster in Kasongan caused d1fferontiation and
stratification among entrepreneurs Some entrepreneurs occupy high positin on the stratification Many entrepreneurs who struggle to attain top position. Therefore, competition among entrepreneurs emerge. This work is to describes practice of domination and resistence
among entrepreneurs ceramic in Kasongan. This work Is based on research using qualitative research methods undertaken in ceramic industrial cluster of Kasongan.
In the research, author do observalion to production process and interview 49 Informans. The
result show that entrepreneurs who occupy top position defend their domination by producing new design continuously to fulfil demand of consumers WTth taste that change continuously. They also forbide other entrepreneurs to imitate the new design they make. However. their effoft to forbide imitation failed because it is d1fflcult for design makers to control the imitation and to
puush the imitators. Resistence to domination are undertaken by entrepreneurs with low position
by imitate new design produced by entrepreneurs of high position. Beside that they also seek new markets to sell their products.
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