Mokalu, Bendedicta J.
Prostitusi Dan Kemiskinan
(Lokalisasi Desa Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang).
pp. 148-152.
ISSN 1907-316X
Prostitution in Indonesia has grown in step with the development of information technology and
facilities. With a variety of motives prostitutes using the internet to offer themselves. Openness era
of mobility and facilitate the transaction has to penetrate traditional barriers. Poverty scapegoats of
the emergence of a lot of prostitution. In Malang, there are about seven brothels. With regard to
the potential of natural resources and human resources as well as good practices that exist in
religious rituals in Sumberpucung, the existence of prostitution that has survived for 56 years is
certainly a rarity.
According to local government officials and members of parliament, prostitution is difficult to
remove because the government can not provide jobs for former prostitutes and pimp. They also
argued that the brothel will facilitate monitoring of the spread of HIV I AIDS and also to prevent
prostitutes roam. This suggests that a majority government does not care about the community,
even indirectly preserve and allow the practice of prostitution.
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