Onibala, Anggreiny A. and Rindengan, Yaulie and Lumenta, Arie S. M.
Analisis Penerapan Model UTAUT 2 (UNIFIED
TECHNOLOGY 2) Terhadap E-Kinerja Pada
Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.
This study analyzes of the acceptance and use of EKinerja
in the North Sulawesi provincial government using the
UTAUT2 Model. E-Kinerja is a tool for assessing employee
performance online in the North Sulawesi provincial government.
The purpose of this study is to prove that the factors of E-Kinerja
utilization (performance expectations, effort expectations, social
influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habits)
influence the behave on users. The number of respondents in this
study were 50 respondents. The data analysis used Structural
Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) analysis
techniques with the help of SmartPLS. The results of this study
indicate that of the 8 hypotheses tested, 3 hypotheses were accepted
and 5 hypotheses were rejected. The results of hypothesis testing state
that the performance expectation variable has a significant effect on
behavioral intention, habits have a significant effect on behavioral
intention and Use Behavioral has a significant effect on behavioral
intention. As for the variables of effort expectations, social influence,
facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habits on behavioral
intention, there was no significant effect.
Keywords: UTAUT2, E-Kinerja, Behavioral intention, Use
behavior, PLS-SEM
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