Wasida, Juniffer Naomi Veronica and Patras, Lily S. and Mangindaan, Glanny M. Ch
Analisa Efek Korona pada Saluran Transmisi Gardu Induk Paniki.
Abstract— The transmission line is a means used to
transmit electrical power from the generator to the consumers.
Transmission construction consists of two types, namely, overhead
lines and cable lines. Disturbances come from internal and external.
One of the causes of damage is the emergence of the corona effect.
Corona effect is a partial discharge on the surface of a transmission
line conductor when the electric pressure or electric field strength of
the conductor exceeds the breakdown voltage of the surrounding air.
Corona also causes power losses that occur in overhead
lines with voltages above 100kV. Factors that cause corona are air
pressure, weather, conductor diameter, and surface electric field
strength. Therefore, in rainy conditions, corona power losses will
experience greater losses than in sunny conditions. At the Paniki
Substation on the Teling - Paniki and Paniki - Tanjung Merah GIS
channels, the power losses are the same in sunny conditions. and
rainy conditions, namely sunny conditions of 3.29 kW/km and rainy
conditions of 3.38 kW/km.
Keywords: Corona, Corona Power Loss, Electric Field Strength,
Transmission Line, Paniki Substation.
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