Poluan, Charisma Aprilyando and Kaunang, S. T. G. and Sentinuwo, Steven R.
Game Based Education Sejarah Zaman Pra-Aksara.
Fakultas Teknik Unsrat.
Abstract — The development of games has been very rapid in this era. Games are now being developed and categorized into various genres based on their respective goals, one of which is Game Based Education with the aim of making the learning process enjoyable. Within these games, there are many types of gameplay, and in this thesis, the author attempts to combine quiz gameplay and tower defense gameplay into one. This is because tower defense gameplay has a unique and enjoyable characteristic, but many people are not willing to play games with this type of gameplay. Hence, the idea for this research emerged with the goal of designing a Game Based Education that will serve as an engaging and enjoyable learning medium, explaining the history of the Pre-Writing era using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. From the results of the research evaluation, it is hoped that it can help students gain a better understanding of the history of the Pre-Writing era.
Keywords: Game Based Education, MDLC, History, Pre-Writing era.
Abstrak — Perkembangan game sudah sangat pesat di jaman ini. Game mulai dikembangkan berdasarkan dan dikelompokkan kedalam beberapa genre berdasarkan tujuan masing-masing genre, salah satunya adalah Game Based Education dengan tujuan untuk membantu proses pembelajaran secara menyenangkan. Didalam game itu sendiri banyak sekali jenis gameplay dan dalam skripsi ini penulis berusaha menggabungkan gameplay quiz dan juga tower defense menjadi satu. Karena gameplay tower defense memiliki ciri khas unik dan menyenangkan tapi banyak orang tidak mau mengangkat game dengan gameplay seperti ini.Sehingga muncul ide untuk membuat penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk merancang Game Based Education yang akan menjadi media pembelajaran yang menarik dan menyenangkan yang menjelaskan tentang sejarah di zaman Pra-Aksara dengan menggunakan metode Multimeda Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Dari hasil evaluasi penelitian diharapkan dapat membantu siswa lebih mengenal tentang sejarah di zaman Pra-Aksara.
Kata Kunci : Game Based Education, MDLC, Sejarah, Pra Aksara.
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