Jumlah Item: 41.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P. and Ginting, Elvy Like
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Unsrat.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P. and Sumilat, Deiske A. and Ginting, Elvy Like
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Acantholactam and pre-neo-kaulamine, manzamine-related alkaloids from Indonesian marine sponge Acanthostrongylophora ingens.
Journal of Natural Products, 77.
pp. 1536-1540.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Aaptoline A, a new quinoline alkaloid from the marine sponge Aaptos suberitoides.
Heterocycles, 88 (1).
pp. 591-594.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Variabines A, B: new β-carboline alkaloids from the marine sponge Luffariella variabilis.
J.Nat.Med, 68.
pp. 215-219.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) The Use of β glucan exttracted from baker's yeast (Saccaharomyces cerevisiae) to increase non specitic immune system and resistence of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to Aeremonas hyrdophila.
Aquatic Science & Management.
ISSN 2337-4403
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) A study on cytotoxic activity of marine sponges on embryo development of sea urchin Diadema savignyi.
Aquatic Science & Management.
pp. 107-113.
ISSN 2337-4403
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Acute and chronic effect of cyanide on survival rate, behavior, and reproduction of Daphnia sp.
Aquatic Science & Management, 1 (1).
pp. 52-56.
ISSN 2337-4403
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Aktivitas Sitotoksik dari Ekstrak Bintang Ular (Ophiomastix annulosa) terhadap Perkembangan Awal Embrio Bulu Babi (Tripneustes gratilla).
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 3 (1).
pp. 18-23.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Aktivitas hemolitik teripang (Bohadchia graeffei) dari pantai Malalayang, Sulawesi Utara pada beberapa suhu dan pH.
Jurnal Ilmiah Sains, 13 (1).
pp. 7-32.
ISSN 1412-3770
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Lektin dari spons Cliona varians asal perairan Malalayang Manado.
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 1 (2).
pp. 28-34.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Spongiacidin C, a pyrole alkaloid from the marine sponge Stylissa massa, function as a USP7 inhibitor.
Bioorganic & medical chemistry, 23.
pp. 3884-3886.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P. and Rumengan, Antonius P.
(Peer Review) Telaah Sitotoksik dari Eksstrak Karang Lunak.
Jurnal Pesisir & Laut Tropis, 3 (1).
pp. 24-30.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Uji aktivitas larvasida nyamuk Aedes aegypty dari beberapa ekstrak ascidina.
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 1 (1).
pp. 15-20.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Hyrtioreticulins A-E, indole alkaloids inhibiting the ubiquitin-activating enzyme from the marine sponge Hyrtios reticulatus.
Bioorganic @ Medicinal Chemistry, 20.
pp. 4437-4442.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Manadosterols A and B, Sulfonated Sterol Dimers Inhibiting the Ubc 13-Uev1A Interaction, Isolated from the marine Sponge Lissodendryx fibrosa.
Journal of Natural Products, 75.
pp. 1495-1499.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Papuamine and haliclonadiamine, obtained from an Indonesian sponge Haliclona sp, inhibited cell proliferation of human cancer cell lines.
Natural Product Research, 1.
pp. 1-4.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Two new Tryptamine derivatives, Leptoclinidamide and (-)-Leptoclinidamine B, from an Indonesian Ascidian.
Marine Drugs, 10.
pp. 349-357.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Lobohedleolide induces interleukin-8 production in LPS-stimulated human monocytic cell line THP-1.
International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products, 3 (4).
pp. 16-21.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Spironaamidine, a new spiroquinone-containing alkaloid from the marine sponge Leucetta micoraphis.
Tetrahedron Letters, 52.
pp. 5342-5344.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Aaptamine, an Alkaloid from the sponge Aaptos suberotoides, functions as a proteasome inhibitor.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 20.
pp. 3341-3343.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Two unprecedented cembrene-type terpenes from an Indonesian soft coral Sarcophyton sp.
Tetrahedron, 66.
pp. 641-645.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) (25S)-Cholesten-26-oic acid derivatives from an Indonesian soft coral Minabea sp.
Steroids, 74.
pp. 758-760.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Inhibitory Effect of N, N-Didemethylgrossularine-1 on Inflamatory Cytokine Production in Lipopolysaccaride Stimulated RAW 264.7 Cells.
Marine Drugs, 7.
pp. 589-599.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Lissoclibaldins 8-14, polysulsur dopamine-derived alkaloids from the colonial ascidian Lissoclinum of badium.
Tetrahedron, 65.
pp. 9598-9603.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Leucetamol A: A new inhibitor of Ubc13-Uev1A interaction isolated from marine sponge, Leucetta aff. Microraphis.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Letters, 18.
pp. 6319-6320.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Tetrahydrobostrycin and I-Deoxytetrahydrobostrycin, Two New Hexahydroanthrone Derivates, from a Marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp.
The Journal of Antibiotics, 7 (61).
pp. 415-419.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Three New Nardosinane Type Sesquiterpenes from an Indonesian Soft Coral Nephthea sp.
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 56 (3).
pp. 332-334.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Characterization and online detection of aromatic alkaloids in the ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium by liquid chromatography/UV detection mass spectometry.
pp. 199-206.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Cytotoxicity of Lissoclibadins and Lissoclinotoxins, Isolated from a Tropical Ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium. against Human solid-Tumor- Derived Cell Lines.
Biology and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 30 (2).
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Lissoclibadins 4-7, Polysulfur Aromatic Alkaloids from the Indonesian Ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium.
Journal of Natural Products, 70.
pp. 439-442.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Three new sulfur-containing alkaloids, polycarpaurines A, B, and C, from and from an Indonesian ascidian Polycarpa aurata.
Tetrahedron, 63.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P. and Losung, Fitje
Aktivitas Larvasida dari Ekstrak Sponge.
Seminar Tahunan Ke-2 Kongres Forum Biofarmasi.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Isolation of Salsolinol, a Tetrahydroisoquinoline Alkaliod, from the Marine Sponge Xestospongia cf vansoesli as a proteasome Inhibitor.
Chem. Pharm. Bull, 2 (59).
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Manzamine A, a marine-derived alkaloid, inhibits accumulation of cholesterol ester in macrophages and suppresses hyperlypidemia and atherosclerosis.
Bioorganic & medical chemistry, 21.
pp. 3831-3838.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Naamidens H and I, Cytotoxic Imidazole Alkaloids from the Indonesian Marine Sponge LEucetta chagosensis.
JournaI of Natural Products, 70.
pp. 1658-1660.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Pengujian Aktivitas Larvasida dari Ekstrak Ascidian Lissoclinum patella terhadap Larva Nyamuk Aedes aegypty.
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, 3 (1).
pp. 13-17.
Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
(Peer Review) Siladenoserinols A-L: New Sulfonated Serinol Derivatives from a Tunicate as Inhibitors of p53-Hdm2 Interaction.
Organic Letters, 15 (2).
pp. 322-324.
Lintang, Rosita A.J. and Mangindaan, Remy E.P. and Monoarfa, Oneng A.
Pemisahan Lektin dari Alga Laut (Eucheuma sp) Menggunakan Metode SDS – PAGE.
Seminar Tahunan Ke-2 Bioteknologi Kongres Forum Biofarmasi.
Losung, Fitje and Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
Pengembangan Metode Skrining Substansi Antimitotik dan Antijamur menggunakan konidia Pyricularia oryzae.
Seminar Tahunan Ke-2 Bioteknologi Kongres Forum Biofarmasi.
Rumengan, Antonius P. and Mangindaan, Remy E.P.
Telaah Sitotoksik, Sitotostatik dan Antibakteri Dari Karang Lunak Nephtea sp.
Seminar Tahun ke 2 Dan Workshop Bioteknologi Kelautan Dan Perikanan Serta Kongres Forum Biofarmasitika Kelautan Indonesia Manado,16 – 18 September 2013.
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