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Artikel berdasarkan Author "Mantiri, Desy M. H."

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Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis and Kemer, Kurniati and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Kepel, Rene C. and Suleman, Dininurilmi Putri and Soemantri, Ara Deani and Kurnia, Dikdik (2023) Carotenoids from female Grapsus albolineatus as potential anti-ageing compounds. f1000research.

Lintong, Oktavianus and Kepel, Rene C. and Djamaluddin, Rignolda and Lagarense, Bet L. and Ngangi, Edwin L. A. and Pangemanan, Novie P. L. and Montolalu, Royke I. and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Lumingas, Lawrence J. L. (2023) Community structure of mangroves in Minahasa Peninsula, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux.

Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis and Pertiwi, Junita Maja and Montolalu, Royke I. and Lumuindong, Frans (2023) SK Penetapan Mahasiswa dan Tim Penguji Seminar Proposal Riset Disertasi a.n. Finny Warouw. Unsrat.

Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Paulus, James J. H. and Aritonang, Henry Fonda and Rompas, Rizald Max and Suryanto, Edi and Montolalu, Royke I. and Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis (2023) SK Penetapan Mahasiswa dan Tim Penguji Ujian Tertutup Disertasi Doktor a.n. Audy Denny Wuntu. FPIK Unsrat.

Tahir, Irmalita and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Rumengan, Antonius P. and Wahidin, Nurhalis and Lumingas, Lawrence J. L. and Kondoy, Khristin I. F. and Montolalu, Royke I. and Kepel, Rene C. and Harahap, Zulhan A. (2023) Variation of carbon content in sediments of seagrass ecosystems based on the presence of seagrass species on Mare Island, Indonesia. Bioflux.

Kumaat, Ellen Joan and Gerung, Grevo S. and Kepel, Rene C. and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Paulus, James J. H. and Boneka, Farnis B and Ginting, Elvy Like and Montolalu, Royke I. and Suyatna, Iwan (2022) Penguji Promosi Doktor-John L Tombokan-17053105020. Unsrat.

Mantiri, Desy M. H. and UNDAP, SUZANNE L. and Sanger, Grace and Kondoy, Khristin I. F. (2022) SK Penetapan Mahasiswa dan Tim Penguji Ujian Proposal Riset Disertasi Doktor Yessy K. Lengkey. FPIK Unsrat.

Abubakar, Salim and Kepel, Rene C. and Djamaluddin, Rignolda and Wahidin, Nurhalis and Mingkid, Winda M. and Wantasen, Adnan S. and Montolalu, Royke I. and Mantiri, Desy M. H. (2022) Suitability and carrying capacity of mangrove ecosystem for ecotourism in Jailolo Bay, West Halmahera, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux.

Sentra Kekayaan Intelektual Universitas Sam Ratulangi (2021) Bioactive component, antibacterial, and toxicity of mangrove fruit Bruguiera gymnorrhiza extract. EC00202135910.

Lohoo, Helen J. and Berhimpon, Siegfried and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Montolalu, Royke I. (2021) Bioactive components, antibacterial activity, and toxicity of mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza fruit extract. Bioflux.

Opa, Esry T. and Kepel, Rene C. and Lasabuda, Ridwan and Kusen, Janny D. and Paruntu, Carolus Paulus and Djamaluddin, Rignolda and Boneka, Farnis B and Mantiri, Desy M. H. (2021) Ecological suitability of mangrove tourism in Mantehage Island as the outermost small island in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux.

Rumengan, Antonius P. and Mandiangan, Elvi Siska and Tanod, Wendy Alexander and Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis and Paruntu, Carolus Paulus and Mantiri, Desy M. H. (2021) Identification of pigment profiles and antioxidant activity of Rhizophora mucronata mangrove leaves origin Lembeh, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Smujo.

Taher, Nurmeilita and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Dien, Henny Adeleida and Mentang, Feny and Montolalu, Royke I. and Ngangi, L. R. (2021) Optimization and characterization of edible film composite of k-carrageenan Kappaphycus alvarezii and beeswax nanoemulsion. Bioflux.

Kumaat, Ellen Joan and Gerung, Grevo S. and Berhimpon, Siegfried and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Montolalu, Royke I. and Sumilat, Deiske A. and Salindeho, Netty and Boneka, Farnis B and ., Metusalach (2021) Penguji Promosi Doktor Helen J Lohoo. Unsrat.

Kumaat, Ellen Joan and Gerung, Grevo S. and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Dien, Henny Adeleida and Mentang, Feny and Montolalu, Royke I. and Ngangi, Edwin L. A. and Boneka, Farnis B and Mahendra, Made Sudiana (2021) Penguji Promosi Doktor-Nurmeilita Taher-130203015012. Unsrat.

Pangemanan, Novie P. L. and Kepel, Rene C. and Bataragoa, Nego E. and Tumbol, Reiny A. and Sahami, Femy M. and Lumenta, Cyska and Salaki, Meiske S. and Boneka, Farnis B and Mantiri, Desy M. H. (2020) Morphometric and molecular analysis for identification of the early stages of gobioid fishes in Poigar River estuary, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bioflux.

Kumaat, Ellen Joan and Gerung, Grevo S. and Berhimpon, Siegfried and Montolalu, Royke I. and Kawung, Nickson J. and Dien, Henny Adeleida and Wullur, Stenly and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Wolok, Eduard (2020) Penguji Promosi Doktor-Asri S Naiu-17053105008. Unsrat.

Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Kepel, Rene C. and Rumengan, Antonius P. (2020) Pigment concentration of red algae, Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex Silva during the cultivation in the coastal waters of Nain Island, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bioflux Publishing.

Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Paulus, James J. H. and Lumenta, Cyska and Ompie, Medy and Darwisito, Suria and Paruntu, Carolus Paulus and Kase, Alfread and Rupidara, Anggreni D.N. (2019) EXPLORATION STUDY OF THE PIGMENT TYPES OF STONE CRAB(GRAPSUS ALBOLINEATUS) AS PHARMACEUTICAL AND COSMETICS INGREDIENTS. EM International.

Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Kepel, Rene C. and Manoppo, Henky and Paulus, James J. H. and Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis and ., Nasprianto (2019) Metals in seawater, sediment and Padina australis (Hauck, 1887) algae in the waters of North Sulawesi. Bioflux Publishing.

Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Lumenta, Cyska and Ompie, Medy and Pratasik, Silvester Benny (2019) Morphological and genetic characteristics of lightfoot crab Grapsus albolineatus Latreille in Milbert, 1812 from Manado Bay, North Sulawesi. Bioflux Publishing.

Berhimpon, Siegfried and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Montolalu, Royke I. (2019) Pembimbing Doktor Helen J Lohoo. FPIK Unsrat.

Kepel, Rene C. and Mantiri, Desy M. H. and Paransa, Darus Saadah Johanis (2018) Arsenic content, cell structure, and pigment of Ulva sp. from Totok Bay and Blongko waters, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bioflux Publishing.

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