Lantang, Geraldo F.T.J and Sompie, Sherwin R.U.A and Sambul, Alwin Melkie
Sistem Informasi Monitoring Perkuliahan Terintegrasi Universitas Sam Ratulangi.
Abstract — The implementation of Information Systems in an organization has a role in processing activities or transactions in which there are management staff, media, procedures, facilities and technology to produce informative data that can later be integrated with other parties. In the current era, the development of Information Systems has become crucial that requires almost all service agencies to manage their information in an integrated manner. Related to Academy Institutions, the amount of information concerning all components in the university requires accuracy in processing the relevant data. Through the use of information systems, various information can be accessed by various universities to facilitate the management of university activities. Seeing the problems that occur, conducted a study held to help the efficiency of data management and monitoring of lecture activities, by helping to digitize some manual processes.
Keywords : CodeIgniter, Information System, Integrated, RFID, Scrum Method, University.
Abstrak— Penerapan Sistem Informasi dalam suatu organisasi berperan dalam memproses aktivitas atau transaksi dimana di dalamnya ada tenaga pengelola, media, prosedur, fasilitas serta teknologi untuk menghasilkan data informatif yang nantinya dapat terintegrasi dengan pihak lain. Di era kini, pengembangan Sistem Informasi telah menjadi hal krusial yang menuntut hampir seluruh badan layanan atau instansi untuk melakukan pengelolaan informasi masing-masing secara terintegrasi. Berkaitan dengan Instansi Perguruan Tinggi, banyaknya informasi yang menyangkut mengenai segala komponen dalam universitas mengharuskan ketepatan dalam pengolahan data yang bersangkutan.
Kata Kunci: CodeIgniter, Integrasi, RFID, Scrum Method, Sistem Informasi, Universitas.
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