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Toar, Wisje Lusia and Untu, Ivonne M. and Assa, Geertruida and Manangkot, Heidy J. and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2023) Effect of shade and cover pore on development of BSF prepupa. AIP Publishing.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2022) Akuisisi Imunogen Toraksial Prepupa Hermetia illucens Dalam Meningkatkan Imunoglobulin Serum dan Performa Pertumbuhan Kambing. Project Report. Unsrat.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Turangan, S.H. and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2022) A CHARACTERIZATION OF PROPORTION OF ORGANIC MATTER LEVEL OF TENEBRIO MOLITOR LARVA REARED IN TWO DIFFERENT MEDIA CONDITIONS. Facultatea de Ingineria Resurselor Animale şi Alimentare Iaşi|.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Turangan, Santi and Assa, Geertruida and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2022) THE EFFECT OF SUPPLEMENTATION OF PATANGA SUCCINCTA FLOUR IN RATION ON INDIGENOUS CHICKENS MEAT PRODUCTION. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Rumokoy, Daniella and Kiroh, Hengky J. and Ngangi, Lintje Rinny and Rawung, Vonny R.W. and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2022) GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF'SUPER NATIVE CHICKEN'TREATED WITH A SUPLEMENTATION OF MAGGOT FLOUR OF DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER IN RATION. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Turangan, Santi and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2022) Produksi Daging ayam Kampung Yang Diberi Penembahan Tepung Patanga succineta (Acrididae : orthoptera) dalam Ransum. Project Report. Unsrat.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumambi, Agnitje and Waani, Merci Rosyanti and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2021) ACCUMULATION OF ITP-Hi AND GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF HERMETIA ILLUCENS PREPUPAE REARED IN TWO DIFFERENT MEDIA. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2021) Akuisisi Imunogen Toraksial Prepupa Hermetia illucens Dalam Meningkatkan Imunoglobulin Serum dan Performa Pertumbuhan Kambing. Unsrat.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Rumambi, Agnitje and Waani, Merci Rosyanti (2021) GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF GOATS IMMUNIZED WITH THORAXIAL ANTIGENS OF MUSCA DOMESTICA. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Turangan, Santi and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2021) Karakterisasi Proporsi Kandungan Bahan Organik Tenebrion molitor Yang Dipelihara Dalam Dua Media BErbeda. Project Report. Unsrat.

Kumaat, Ellen Joan and Gerung, Grevo S. and Pinaria, Arthur and Tulung, Max and Pelealu, Jantje and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Salaki, Christine L. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Atmowidi, Tri (2021) Surat Penunjukan Komisi Ujian Promosi Program Doktor (S3) a.n. Norrytha L. Wuntu. Pascasarjana Unsrat.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Toar, Wisje Lusia and Sumolang, C. I. J. and Assa, Geertruida (2021) The diversity of insects in opened land utilization with a cultivation of Brachiaria mutica forage in 'Sentrum Agraris Lotta'. IOP Publishing Ltd.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Kiroh, Hengky J. and Untu, Ivonne M. and Assa, Geertruida and Turangan, Santi and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2020) Antigen-G of Larva Serum of Musca domestica as an Immunoglobulin Production Promoter in Goats under an Organic Maintenance. Faculty of Animal Science Jenderal Soedirman University in association with the Animal Scientist Society of Indonesia (ISPI), the Indonesian Association of Nutrition and Feed Science (AINI) and Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (PDHI).

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Rahasia, Cathrien A. and Kaunang, Charles L. and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2020) Development of Small-Scale Farming in North Sulawesi in Pandemic Covid-19 Situation. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Manangkot, Heidy J. and Bagau, Betty and Untu, Ivonne M. (2019) Effect of Supplementation of Combination of Curcuma and BSF Maggot Meal in Rations on Accumulative Weight of Native Chickens. IOP Publishing Ltd.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Untu, Ivonne M. and Assa, Geertruida (2019) Insect Crude Thoraxial Antigen-G Extracted from Apis mellifera to Enhance Serum Immunoglobulin of Goats: An Entomology Contribution in Animal Science. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Untu, Ivonne M. (2019) Pengaruh Penambahan Kombinasi Tepung Temulawak dan Maggot BSF Dalam Ransum Terhadap Berat Badan Akumulatif Ayam Lokal. Project Report. Unsrat.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2018) PENGEMBANGAN PETERNAKAN UNGGAS LOKAL BERBASIS KERAKYATAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF ENTOMOLOGI. In: Seminar Nasional Unggas Lokal: Pengembangan Unggas Lokal di Indonesia, 30 Austus 2017, Fakultas Peternakan Unsrat.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2018) Application of Thoracic Immunogen of Musca domestica on Immunoglobulin-G Level of Goats Detected Through a Single Radial Immuno-Diffusion Test. Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Posangi, Jimmy and Toar, Wisje Lusia and Lopez Aban, Julio (2018) An expectation of bio-resource function against parasite infection on animal health. University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Tulung, Max and Memah, Ventje and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Untu, Ivonne M. (2018) The presence of insects in animal farm in North Sulawesi. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2017) (Peer Review) Efek Ekstrak Minyak Citronella Cymbopogon nardus L.Terhadap Proporsi Frekuensi Kontak Fisik Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) pada Ransum dan Performa Broiler. Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia (PEI).

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Kaunang, Charles L. and Untu, Ivonne M. and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Kiroh, Hengky J. (2017) THE EMPOWERMENT OF CRUDE EXTRACT ANTIGEN-GOF INSECT ON GOATS IMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AN ENTOMOLOGY CONTRIBUTION IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2017) Efek Bioaktif antigen-V Lebah Madu (Apis mellifera) Terhadap Stimulasi Sintesis Imunoglobulia Dalam Menekan Mortalitas Kambing Lokal Neonatus. Project Report. Unsrat. (In Press)

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Adiani, S and Assa, G. J V. and Toar, Wisje Lusia and Aban, J. L. (2017) Entomology contribution in animal immunity: Determination of the crude thoraxial glandular protein extract of Stomoxys calcitrans as an antibody production enhancer in young horses. PAGEPress.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2017) (Peer Review) Entomology Contribution in Animal Immunity: Determination the Crude Thoraxial Glandular Protein Extract of Stomoxys calcitrans as an Antibody Production Enhancer in Young Horses. Pagepress Publications.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2017) (Peer Review) The Empowerment of Crude Extract Antigen-G of Insect on Goats Immunity Enhancement. An Entomology Contribution in Animal Husbandry. University of Agronomy and Veterinary Medecine of Bucharest (USAMV) Faculty of Animal Science.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Untu, Ivonne M. and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2016) (Peer Review) The Effects of Papain Crude Extract Addition in Diets on Broilers Production Performances. Fakultas Peternakan UNSOED.


Toar, Wisje Lusia and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2015) BERBAGAI SUMBER SERAT KASAR DALAM RANSUM TERHADAP PERTAMBAHAN BERAT BADAN BROILER. Seminar Nasional Peternakan Berkelanjutan 6 . pp. 648-652.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2015) PERKEMBANGAN JARINGAN PRE-ADlPOSA DAN AKUMULASI LEMAK PADA TERNAK. Seminar Nasional Peternakan Berkelanjutan 6. pp. 430-434.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2015) The paradox of nutrient fulfilement and immunity challenge on chicken livestock development in tropical humid regions. Elsevier.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2014) THE CONTENT OF LIPIDS IN INTRAMUSCULAR ADIPOSE AS A QUALITY DETERMINANT OF CATTLE MEAT PRODUCT. International Congress "Challenges of Biotechnological Research in Food & Health". pp. 144-146.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2014) The equine colostrums of milk treatment against pathogenic agent. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Toar, Wisje Lusia (2014) The forage production of Brachiaria mutica under coconut tree canopy. Facultatea de Ingineria Resurselor Animale şi Alimentare Iaşi|.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Warouw, Jootje and Tulung, Max and Najoan, Marie and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2013) The Landing periodicity of Stomoxys calcitrans in rations, supplemented with citronella and papain on broiler health. Facultatea de Ingineria Resurselor Animale şi Alimentare Iaşi|.

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