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Bagau, Betty and Imbar, Meity Revoni and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Wolayan, Fenny R. and Kowel, Youdhie H. S. (2023) Substitution Effect of Rice Bran with Coffee Pulp Meal on Feed Efficiency and Percentages of Viscera Organs of Broilers. Faculty of Animal Science UGM.

Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Leke, Jein R. and Kowel, Youdhie H. S. (2023) The Use of Mangosteen Leaf Flour (Garcinia mangostana L) on Weight, Egg Yolk Index and Egg White Index of Layers. Atlantis Press.

Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Leke, Jein R. and Laihad, Jacqluien and Tangkau, Linda and Telleng, Malcky Makanaung (2023) The effect dietary peanut flour (Arachis hypogeae L.) on the quality of chicken eggs. AIP Publishing.

Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Leke, Jein R. and Kowel, Youdhie H. S. (2022) EFFECT FLAVONOID TEPUNG DAUN MANGGIS ( Garcinia mangostana L) DALAM RANSUM TERHADAP NUTRITIONAL TELUR AYAM. Project Report. Unsrat.

Toar, Wisje Lusia and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Turangan, Santi and Assa, Geertruida and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. (2022) THE EFFECT OF SUPPLEMENTATION OF PATANGA SUCCINCTA FLOUR IN RATION ON INDIGENOUS CHICKENS MEAT PRODUCTION. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Leke, Jein R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Bagau, Betty and Podung, Albert Jootje and Sarajar, Cherlie and Siahaan, Ratna and Pudjihastuti, Endang and Widodo, Eko (2022) The Effect of Candlenut (Aleurites Moluccana I Willd.) Seed Flour in Native Chicken Feeding Toward the Internal Egg Quality and Cholesterol Contens. Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University.

Wantasen, Erwin and Umboh, Sintya JK and Leke, Jein R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2022) Investment feasibility and risk management of a small-scale layer business in the. GSC Online Press.

Leke, Jein R. and Wantasen, Erwin and Siahaan, Ratna and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2022) The Nutritional Content of Egg and Blood’s Lipid Profile of Layer Fed by Kepok Banana Meal (Musa paradisiaca L.) as Feed Supplemen. Faculty of Animal Science Jenderal Soedirman University in association with the Animal Scientist Society of Indonesia (ISPI), the Indonesian Association of Nutrition and Feed Science (AINI) and Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (PDHI).


Leke, Jein R. and Wantasen, Erwin and Siahaan, Ratna and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Kaunang, Charles L. and Widjastuti, Tuti (2022) The effect of Kepok Banana (Musa Paradisiaca L.) on immunoglobulin, vitamins, and cholesterol content of eggs in laying hens. Scienceline Publication, Ltd.

Wantasen, Erwin and Leke, Jein R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2021) Competitiveness of broiler in Tondano Utara district, regency of minahasa in north Sulawesi province, Indonesia. EDP Sciences.

Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Laihad, Jacqluien and Tangkau, Linda M.S. (2021) INOVASI PRODUKSI ASAM LEMAK RANTAI PANJANG BUNGKIL KACANG TANAH DALAM PAKAN TERHADAP PRODUKSI TELUR. Project Report. Unsrat.

Mandey, Jet Saartje and Sompie, Meity and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2021) THE OMEGA-3 AND OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS POTENTIAL OF PUMPKIN, CANDLENUT AND NUTMEG SEEDS AS PHYTOADDITIVE FOR POULTRY. A REVIEW. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Leke, Jein R. and Wantasen, Erwin and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Siahaan, Ratna and Hellyward, James and Mirzah, Mirzah (2021) (Peer Review) The Effect of Garlic (Allium Sativum L) flour as a Feed Additive on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Super Free-Range Chickens. INSIGHT Indonesian Society for Human and Development.

Salaki, Christine L. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Pinaria, Arthur (2021) SK Komisi Penguji Seminar Hasil Disertasi Program Doktor a.n. Noryytha L. Wuntu. Pascasarjana Unsrat.

Kumaat, Ellen Joan and Gerung, Grevo S. and Pinaria, Arthur and Tulung, Max and Pelealu, Jantje and Rumokoy, Laurentius J. M. and Salaki, Christine L. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Atmowidi, Tri (2021) Surat Penunjukan Komisi Ujian Promosi Program Doktor (S3) a.n. Norrytha L. Wuntu. Pascasarjana Unsrat.

Najoan, Marie and Bagau, Betty and Wolayan, Fenny R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Kowel, Youdhie H. S. (2020) EFFECT OF INCLUSION OF COCONUT MEAL IN THE DIETS ON NUTRIENT DIGESTIBILITY OF GROWING PIGS. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Najoan, Marie and Wolayan, Fenny R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Bagau, Betty (2020) EFFECT OF SUBSTITUTION OF GOROHO BANANA (Musa acuminafe sp.) STEM MEAL FERMENTED WITH Trichoderma viridae IN RATION ON BLOOD LIPID PROFILES AND MEAT QUALITY OF BROILER CHICKEN. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Najoan, Marie and Wolayan, Fenny R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2020) Identifikasi Kandungan Nutrien, Senyawa Bioaktif dan Penentuan Energi Metabolis Daun Pangi (Pangium edule Reinw) sebagai Pakan Alternatif Ayam Kampung. Project Report. Unsrat.

Santa, Nansi Margret and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Waworundeng, Welly (2020) (Peer Review) Livestock business development of border areas in North Sulawesi Province. IOP Publishing.

Wantasen, Erwin and Umboh, Sintya JK and Leke, Jein R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2019) (Peer Review) BUSINESS FEASIBILITY AND CULTIVATION MANAGEMENT OF BROILER UNDER PARTNERSHIP SCHEME. IJRDO Journal H.no.

Leke, Jein R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Ratulangi, Friets (2019) KANDUNGAN OMEGA RANTAI PANJANG MINYAK KEMIRI (Aleurites moluccana willd) DALAM UPAYA PENURUNAN KADAR LEMAK, SERUM METABOLITES, KOLESTEROL TELUR AYAM KAMPUNG. Project Report. Unsrat.

Sentra Kekayaan Intelektual Universitas Sam Ratulangi (2019) PROSES PEMBUATAN PAKAN AYAM YANG DIPERKAYA DENGAN TEPUNG BIJI DURIAN (Durio zibethinus). IDS000005139.

Leke, Jein R. and Wantasen, Erwin and Telleng, Malcky Makanaung and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2019) (Peer Review) The production performance of native chicken by the utilization of Aleurites mollucana L. (pecan) seed flour in feeding. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya.

Salombre, Veny Joanet and Najoan, Marie and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Imbar, Meity Revoni (2018) KUALITAS KARKAS BROILER YANG MENGGUNAKAN SILASE KULIT PISANG KEPOK SEBAGAI PENGGANTI JAGUNG. In: Seminar Nasional Unggas Lokal: Pengembangan Unggas Lokal di Indonesia, 30 Austus 2017, Fakultas Peternakan Unsrat.

Leke, Jein R. and Rembet, Deny and Sompie, Meity and Surtijono, S. and Junus, C. and Mandey, Jet Saartje and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2018) PEMBUATAN NUGGET AYAM KAMPUNG KELOMPOK WANITA TANI BOUEGENVILLE DAN ALLOEVERA DESA PINAPALANGKOW KABUPATEN MINAHASA SELATAN PROVINSI SULAWESI UTARA. In: Seminar Nasional Unggas Lokal: Pengembangan Unggas Lokal di Indonesia, 30 Austus 2017, Fakultas Peternakan Unsrat.

Najoan, Marie and Wolayan, Fenny R. and Bagau, Betty and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2017) THE EFFECT OF Trichoderma viridae USAGE OF NUTRITIONAL VALUE ON Goroho BANANA STEM (Musa acuminafe, sp). University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania.

Bagau, Betty and Najoan, Marie and Imbar, Meity Revoni and Liwe, Hengky and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2016) THE EFFECTS OF UTILIZATION OF DIFFERENT PROCESSING TECHNIQUES OF SKIPJACK BONE MEAL IN THE RATION ON EGG PRODUCTION OF QUAIL. In: The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, 22-25 Agustus 2016, Fukuoka Japan.

Salendu, Artise H. S. and Kurnia, Ganjar and Bororing, Arie and Muhammad, Idris and Sarajar, Cherly and Utiah, Wapsiaty and Montong, M.E.R. and Laihad, Jacqluien and Yelnetty, Afriza and Hadju, Rahmawaty and Tamasoleng, Moureen and Lontaan, Nova and Andayani, Sri Ayu and Riyanurdin, Dadan and Santa, Nansi Margret and Lainawa, Jolyanis and Lombogia, Stanly O. B. and Endoh, Eusebius Kussoy Malingkas and Manese, M. A. V. and Osak, Richard E.M.F. and Sajouw, Adrie A. and Noormansyah, Zulfikar and Kamal, Ruhyana and Kalangi, Jolanda K. J. and Lainawa, Jolyanis and Yusuf, Muhamad Nurdin and Rintjap, Anneke Katrin and Tumewu, Judi and Gijoh, H.O and Wantasen, Erwin and Sondakh, Erwin Hubert B. and Lumenta, Ingriet Deiby Rinny and Chofyan, Ivan and Ilham, Muhammad and Kalangi, Lidya S. and Lombogia, Stanly O. B. and Lumy, F. D. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Maaruf, Kartini and Liwe, Hengky and Imbar, Meity Revoni and Bagau, Betty and Silva, Helena da and Fernandez, Paskalis and Umboh, Sintya JK and Manangkot, Heidy J. and Rotinsulu, Merri Diana and Moningkey, Sony A.E. and Tulung, Yohannis L. R. and Tuturoong, R.A.V and Untu, Ivonne M. and Kereh, Veybe Gresje and Wolayan, Fenny R. (2016) Prosiding Seminar Nasional "Pembangunan Pedesaan Berkelanjutan Berbasis Peternakan di Indonesia". UNSRAT PRESS UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan. ISBN 978-979-3660-44-8

Kaligis, David Arnold and Anis, S. D. and Sumardani, Ni Luh Gde and Kusumawati, Ni Nyoman Candraasih and Witariadi, Ni Made and Budiasa, Ketut Mangku and Suranjaya, I Gede and Roni, Ni Gusti Ketut and Wirawan, I W and Suarna, I W. and Suryani, N.N. and Trisnadewi, A.A.A.S. and Sumardani, N.L.G. and Suarna, I Wayan and Suryani, Ni Nyoman and Indrawati, R. R. and Duarsa, Magna Anuraga Putra and Suarna, I Wayan and Budiasa, Ketut Mangku and Putri, Tjokorda Istri and Mariani, Ni Putu and Hartawan, Martini and Permana, Asep Tata and Setiana, M Agus and Arbi, Ikhwan Ibnu and Arini, Diah Irawati Dwi and Mayasari, Anita and Wantasen, Erwin and Pangemanan, Stevy. P. and Anis, Selvie. D and Dalie, Sahrun and Oroh, Frangky N. S and Santa, Nansi Margret and Kaligis, David Arnold and Tamod, Zetly E. and Pandey, Jeane and Roni, Ni Gusti Ketut and Kusumawati, Ni Nyoman Candraasih and Witariadi, Ni Made and Lindawati, Sri Anggreni and Siti, Ni Wayan and Agung, Oka Anak and Ariana, I Nyoman Tirta and Sriyani, Ni Luh Putu and Dewantari, Made and Sarini, Ni Putu and Sajimin, . and Fanindi, A and Hutasoit, Rijanto and Kaca, I Nyoman and Sutapa, I Gede and Suariani, Luh and Tonga, Yan and Yudiastari, Ni Made and Suwitari, Ni Ketut Etty and oku, Onesimus Y and Seseray, Daniel Yohanis and Krey, Maria and Prihantoro, I. and Rachim, AF and Karti, PDMH and Prihantoro, I and Manpaki, SJ and Karti, PDMH and Lukiwati, Dwi Retno and Purbayanti, Endang Dwi and Pujaningsih, Retno Iswarin and Yadnya, Belawa and Wirawan, I.W. and Yadnya, T.G.Belawa and Leke, Jein R. and Laihad, Jacqluien and Ratulangi, Friets and Regar, Mursye and Tulung, Yohannis L. R. and Tulung, Bernat and Montong, P. R. R. I. and Dewi, Gusti A.M. Kristina and Mastika, I M and Ariana, N. Tirta and Wirapartha, M. and Matini, H and Astuti, Ira and Mastika, I M. and Dewi, G. A. M. Kristina and Indrawati, R. R. and W, I K.Anom and Fitro, Recky and Leke, Jein R. and Ratulangi, F. and Rembet, D. and Rawung, V. and Tangkau, L. and Tinangon, R. and Hafiizh, Erwin Al and Ridwan, Roni and Ermayanti, Tri Muji and Umboh, Sintya JK and Gijoh, Hendrik and Lumentah, Ingriet D.R. and Kalangi, Lidya S. and Lombogia, Stanly O. B. and Mandey, Jet Saartje and Kowel, Youdhie H. S. and Pontoh, Cherly J. and Rahasia, C. A. and Hutasoit, Rijanto and Tarigan, Andi and Sirait, Juniar and Salendu, Artise H. S. and Kaunang, Ch. L. and Indriana, . and Syarifuddin, . and Pomolango, Ramlan and Kaunang, Charles L. and Elly, Femi H. and Bagau, Betty and Imbar, Meity Revoni and Najoan, Marie and Wolayan, Fenny R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Regar, Mursye N. and Kowel, Youdhie H. S. and Anis, Selvie D. and Dompas, F. and Kaunang, W. and Wolayan, Fenny R. and Tulung, Y.R.L. and Bagau, Betty and Liwe, Hengky and Untu, Ivonne M. and Loing, Jeane Catty and Manese, M. A. V. and Lumy, Tilly F.D. (2016) PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL V HITPI. Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado. ISBN 978-979-3660-42-4

Najoan, Marie and Bagau, Betty and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Imbar, Meity Revoni (2016) UTILIZATION OF gGOROHO h BANANA STEM (Musa acuminafe,sp) MEAL AS AN ALTERNATIVE FEED ON BROILER PERFORMANCE. In: The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, 22-25 Agustus 2016, Fukuoka Japan.

Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Bagau, Betty and Imbar, Meity Revoni and Kowel, Youdhie H. S. (2015) THE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS PROTEIN AND ENERGY IN THE DIET ON NATIVE CHICKEN GROWTH PERFORMANCE. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi.

Najoan, Marie and Londok, Jola J. M. R. and Sompie, Florencia Nerry (2011) Pengaruh Pemberian Minyak Limbah Pengalengan Ikan terhadap Konversi Ransum Broiler. In: SEMINAR NASIONAL Strategi Pembangunan Peternakan Masa Depan Melalui Pendekatan Eco-Farming, 13 September 2011, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Sam Ratulangi -Manado.

Mandey, Jet Saartje and Sompie, Florencia Nerry and Leke, Jein R. (0205) (Peer Review) Persentase Karkas dan Lemak Abdominal Ayam Pedaging Yang Diberi Ubi Kayu Hasil Fermentasi Ragi Rhizopus sebagai pengganti Jagung Kuning Dalam Ransum. In: Seminar Nasional Peternakan Berkelanjutan 7: Pengembangan Sumber Daya Lokal Dalam Agribisnis Petemakan, 11 November 2015, Jatinangor.

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